- Abstract content must meet the standard of an academic / scientific presentation. The outline must have an Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions.
- The abstract must be based on original research or original clinical case studies.
- The Emirates Forensic Scientific Council will evaluate the content of each abstract and make the final selection of the abstracts.
- Abstract will be rated on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest.
- Reviewer will evaluate the abstract and rate it accordingly. If the abstract submitted for oral presentation scores a rate of 1 or 2, then the abstract will be transferred to poster presentation.
- The organizer will inform submitter about the score and transfer to poster presentation. If the submitter accepts this transfer, approval email will be sent and space will be reserved in the exhibition for poster display.
- For Oral presentation, abstracts rated between 3 to 5 will receive the acceptance email.
- Abstract can be selected for poster or oral presentation by the scientific council. Organizer will inform the applicants accordingly.
- Deadline for Abstract Submission is 01st February 2018, no abstracts will be accepted after the deadline.
- For any withdrawals, the presenter should notify the organizer in writing at least 20 days prior to the event.
- All accepted abstracts will be transferred to the second stage where it must be accompanied by a complete conference registration form with payment before 10th Feb 2018.
- The organizer will not be responsible for any misplaced or damaged posters within the poster area.
- The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract.
- If selected, oral presenters will be given a 10-minute speaking slot at the conference as per their confirmed registration status.